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Сountries: Russia
City: Ozersk
Place: Ozersk drama and comedy theatre “Nash Dom”
Address: Lenin str., 30
Date of premiere 21 november 2014

Donny – Vladimir Mikulitsky 
Davey – Vladimir Putyatin 
Padraic – Andrey Syuskin 
Mairead – Kristina Prislonova 
James – Evgeniy Guralevitch 
Christy – Yuriy Kosterin 
Brendan – Viktor Martynov 
Joey – Nikita Zolin

Ozersk drama and comedy theatre “Nash Dom”, which was found in postwar period, has always remained true to its main calling – “To expand the boundaries of prosiness by the power of art”. “Nash Dom” theatre is not afraid of experiments. It knows how to astonish the audience and it skillfully implements these ideas. Existing in today’s time, the theatre continues to be engaged in a dialogue with the audience as contemporaries, seeking to understand each other.

The director of the performance – Nikita Zolin – is a dedicated adherent of contemporary topical theatre. The productions of this young director impress by prompt actions, by his strive to novelties in theatrical forms and by freedom in choice of topics for conversation with the audience. These productions force to see in the so-called “theatre mirror” that kind of things, which you usually do not want to see, to which it is turned a blind eye in the polite society. However the performances, directed by Zolin, are filled with light, humor and juvenile ardour.

The black comedy “The Lieutenant of Inishmore” is created across the psychological theatre, children’s horror stories, mockery of blood-and-guts thriller and cheery theatre-game, in which the characters die before our eyes, streaming with cranberry juice. And, being in the middle of this rattling comedy mix, you suddenly feel bad for this world, in which all orienting points have been already misguided, all values have been muddled; in which violence and murder are prosiness, and people, who create all this darkness and terror, are vainly striving to the light and dreaming of love…..

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