THE BEAUTY QUEEN. Director Yan William Van Den Bosch

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Сountries: Azerbaijan
City: Baku
Place: Azerbaijan State Youth theatre
Address: 72 Nizami Küçəsi
Date of premiere 11 march 2014
Theatre designer, costume designer- Liza Kuk (Great Britain)
Designer– Elshan Sarkhan ogly
Lighting designer– Michael Manion
Sound designer– Zaur Rashidov
Director – Ayla Gashimova  


Maureen Folan – Zulfiya Alhuseynova 
Mag Folan – Shafag Aliyeva, the Honoured artist of the Azerbaijan Republic 
Pato Dooley – Elshan Rustamov, the Honoured artist of the Azerbaijan Republic 
Ray Dooley – Eshgin Guliyev 

State Youth Theatre is one of the oldest theatres of Azerbaijan. It was founded in 1928 in Baku and the theatre repertoire included only children`s productions. But since 2009 Youth Theatre has merged with State Youth Theatre and Baku Chamber Theatre. Nowadays the theatre performances are of various genres: tales, adventures, fantastic fiction, youth plays and classics. Youth Theatre is of a wide age range: all kinds of the audience can find a performance based on their own preference. A talented theatre troupe, a bright theatre form, the energy of actors` self-denial, performance musicality – that is why the show is sold out for every performance. Over the last years the theatre has been on tour in Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Turkey and many others.

“The Beauty Queen” is a harsh and even cruel.  The performance tells that small worries of life have huge power over people, that our relatives can inflict the greatest pain. It also tells that the life makes allowances in lofty ideals and blurs the boundaries between right ones and guilty ones. Mother and daughter`s behavior seems at times senseless and unaccountable. However, after the Dooley Brothers taken in this family tragedy the audience starts to put their faith in the characters` madness.

However, they are not the only one who are mad; we are all insane mixing up vulnerability with rancor and pursuit of happiness with selfishness. This sort of madness is the most invisible, widespread and dangerous. The primary goal of the performance is the exploration of such kind of madness.

Performed in Azerbaijan with Russian subtitles

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THE BEAUTY QUEEN. Director Yan William Van Den Bosch
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