When Vladimir Sorokin’s book “Telluria” was just been announced in the press I have been won over by the hash tags: dystopia, new Middle Ages, fractional mosaic structure of text. After reading it I could say that I made the right choice in the first place. Working with this novel in the theatre field would be as interesting as this book is unimaginable on stage. It was clear from the very beginning that there was no other way of staging it other than creating a nine-hour epic, chapter by chapter, bringing all the centaurs, crusaders, dwarves and giants on stage. In finding a key to it our co-readings of the text together with the actors of the Alexandrinsky theatre were a great help. I’m working with them for the first time and the won my heart with their openness and professionalism: the intellectual level of our discussions of “Telluria” was really high.
Marat Gatsalov
Golden Mask Award 2016 – nominated for “Drama, best small scale production”, “Best director”, “Best set designer”, Best costume designer”