SASHА, TAKE OUT THE TRASH. Director Viktor Ryzhakov

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Сountries: Russia
City: Moscow
Place: State theater of a name of Su. Meyerhold
Address: Novoslobodskaya St., 23
Date of premiere 2015

A mother and a pregnant daughter are preparing a funeral feast in memory of deceased Sasha. He was an officer of the Ukranian Army but died in a bath because of cardiac failure. The sixth mobilization gets him back from the other world. Sasha wants to go to the war, but the women don‘t let him go: they don’t want to bury him again.

Director Viktor Ryzhakov is famous for his subtle and thoughtful work with the text (“Cursed and Killed” by Viktor Astafyev at Moscow Art Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov, “Five Evenings” at Petr Fomenko Workshop Theatre, “July” staged at PRAKTIKA Theatre after Ivan Vyrypayev’s play)

Natalya Vorozhbit is one of the most talented Urkranian authors. Her productions are showed in Russia and abroad. Major theatres (for example, Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Great Britain and I. Frank Ukranian National Theatre) commission original plays to her.

Svetlanа Ivanovа-Sergeyevа, аctrice: «This text is wonderful in the sense that it a sort of cancels death taboo. We are accustomed that death is associated with mourning, sorrow, pain, but it is possible to come up closer to it and look at it at a different angle – death is where life is, life is where death is, these are two adjacent things”. 

Open text
Photo: Darya Pichugina
Performance dates
22 February 20:00 SASHА, TAKE OUT THE TRASH. Director Viktor Ryzhakov
22 March 20:00 SASHА, TAKE OUT THE TRASH. Director Viktor Ryzhakov
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