MAY I PLEASE SPEAK TO NINA? Director Roman Каganovich

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Сountries: Russia
City: Nyagan
Place: Nyagan Theatre for Young Audience
Address: Kiyevskaya St., 12
Date of premiere 10 october 2015

“In today’s world, people have lost big subject matters: their thoughts and emotional experience lack meaningfulness…They are empty. All emotional experience is reduced to finances and health of the loved ones. That is why there is no spirituality, there’s nothing to write books, shoot movies and stage plays about.
All of a sudden, a trivial life of our contemporary is struck by an extraordinary event – he encounters a girl living in a different time under different circumstances. It gives him a chance to become aware of the emptiness of the surrounding world and re-consider his own life!”
Director Roman Kaganovich:
The production is a part of the state programme of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region-Yugra “On the state policy in the fields of interethnic concord, civic solidarity, separate rights and lawful interests of citizens, as well as in the fields of keeping public order, prevention of extremism and illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropics and their consumption in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region-Yugra in 2014-2020.”
Кir Bulychev (real name: Igor Vsevolodovich Mojeiko) is a Soviet science fiction writer, scientist-orientalist, phalerist, screenwriter. He was awarded the State Prize. His science fiction and fantasy stories are tinged with sadness. Accidental events in the end turn out to be not accidental and characters are thankful for such turns in their fates. The play May I Please Speak to Nina is a fantasy story about the split time. The main character, Vadim, is our contemporary. He has been trying to reach the person he often calls. Instead of hearing the familiar voice, he keeps reaching another person. At some moment, he realizes that he is talking to a girl living in 1942…

Set and Costume Designer - Yelisey Shepelev
Lighting Designer - Аnastasia Тоshcheva
The production includes poems by Olga Bergholz

Nina - Аllа Коkhan
Vadim - Аndrey Ushakov
Ninа - Еlenа Кireyevа

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Photo: Darya Pichugina
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MAY I PLEASE SPEAK TO NINA? Director Roman Каganovich
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