MAURICE’S JUBILEE. Director Konstantin Bogomolov

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Сountries: Russia
City: Moscow
Place: Moscow Art Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov
Address: Kamergersky Lane, 3
Date of premiere 4 march 2015
At first glance, “Maurice’s Jubilee” is a benefit performance, but if we look closer we will see that it is an example of powerful high dramaturgy. It is firstly a drama where the actors require all the courage they have and a lot of inner effort. Our production is a psychological story, where to the directors ideas, but the actors speak for themselves.
Konstantin Bogomolov
My Jubilee is near and the play has the word in its title. The play is truly touching. If I am not mistaken, people come to the theatre to laugh and cry, these two components I can guarantee speaking about this performance. “Maurice’s Jubilee” is a rightful dramatic melodrama, the directors win is that he took it from vulgar tearing and to the level of harmony seeking.
Oleg Tabakov

Golden Mask Award 2016 - nominated – “Drama, best large scale production”, “Best director”, “Best actor” (Oleg Tabakov), “Best actress” (Natalya Tenyakova), “Best supporting actress” (Darya Moroz)

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Photo: Vladimir Maiorov
Performance dates
17 February 19:00 MAURICE’S JUBILEE. Director Konstantin Bogomolov
22 February 19:00 MAURICE’S JUBILEE. Director Konstantin Bogomolov
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