FIGHTERS FOR FAITH. Director Nuran David Calis

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Сountries: Germany
City: Cologne
Place: Cologne Drama Theatre
Address: Schanzenstraße, 6-20
Date of premiere 27 february 2016

We are all living in a civilized era. More and more often we are assuming that we have the ability to understand the world around us and our existence in it. We have gotten used to living in the modern secular society, where matters of faith are your private business only, and speaking about God at best are only an intellectual game of wit. But at the same time the world around us is collapsing. The values we have been so proud of are not there to save us anymore, but faith and religion are back with all their radicalism.

The playwright and director Nuran David Calis has met with the faithful. Christians. Muslims. Hebrews. He has spoken to imams, priests, rabbis, a Catholic nun. He invited missioners, met with Salafists, converts, radical fanatics, dogmatists and those who pray from time to time. Some of them stood up on the Cologne stage to fight for our faith together with the actors.  

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07 March 19:30 FIGHTERS FOR FAITH. Director Nuran David Calis
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